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‘Sunlight is said to be the best of disinfectants; Electric light the most efficient policeman’ - Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis - 1914
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I have been trying to get help from the VA for PTSD since 1970!

In 2014, the VA awarded me a disabilty for PTSD. After 47 years of asking for help, I felt that I would finally get the help that I have desperately sought. After several prescriptions for pills that my body could not tolerate and caused a wide range of side effects, I agreed to go to see a VA therapist. Enter VA therapist Lisa Linhardt. Linhardt has figured out the problem! This VA ‘therapist’ tells me I need to be tested for brain damage! This because I drank heavily upon my return from Vietnam. Hooray! 47 years after my return from Vietnam! In the last 47 years, I have seen and heard it all from the VA. I have been hospitalized for two weeks in a VA ward in the 70’s at a time when PTSD was not even recognized. A few years later, I complained that the only way I could sleep was to drink myself to sleep each night, the VA counselor at the Vet Center in Oak Park, Illinois, took me outside, put his arm around my shoulder and told me that I was in luck because there were liquor stores in either direction. This at a time when I would drink an 8 ounce glass of vodka and chase it down with Alkaseltzer. At that point in my life, I was spitting up blood. Forget the 2 DWI’s and my constant run-ins with police. Two Chicago policemen had actually spread the word around that if they ever caught me alone, I would ‘disappear’. Next month I will make the 200 mile roundtrip to Columbia Missouri for 4 hours of tests to determine the degree of brain damage I have! So you see the fault is not in having seen people who were my friends blown into pieces and a red mist. The fault is mine for drinking in the 1970’s to escape the horrors I had seen, and those I will never stop seeing.
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This Website designed and programmed by a brain damaged Vietnam veteran?

Earth to VA therapist Lisa Linhardt! HELLO is anyone there???

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Ron Talone's Blog